24-28 julio 2017
Universidad de los Andes
America/Bogota timezone

QCD, Quark Gluon Plasma and Heavy Ion Collisions


Continuing the tradition laid down by the Andean School on Nuclear Physics in the 21st Century and the Second Andean School on Nuclear Physics, the third edition aims at motivating young scientists to get involved in research areas at the forefront of high energy nuclear physics. Starting with a pedagogic introduction to topics in quantum chromodynamics (QCD), there will be a series of lectures on quark gluon plasma by experts working in this field.



Quark Gluon Plasma is a state of matter existing at extremely high densities and temperatures, where composite objects such as protons and neutrons lose their identity inside a soup of their constituents, the quarks and gluons. Indeed, a millionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe itself was an incredibly dense plasma. How does this plasma behave? Is it a liquid or gas and how can it be produced in experiments? What is the role of QCD and deconfinement and many such questions will be raised and answered by experts in the school. The lectures will be complemented by few invited talks on specialized topics.


Students are invited to submit abstracts for presenting their work at the school. Some amount of financial aid will be available for travel and local expenses of students from outside Bogotá.


Contact: escuela.fisica.nuclear@uniandes.edu.co

Universidad de los Andes
Cra 1 Nº 18A- 12 Bogotá, (Colombia)