3-6 diciembre 2019
Uniandes - ECCI
America/Bogota timezone

Registration fees

Registration fees
The fees cover attendance to the conference and access to the laboratories/computational facilities and coffee breaks. Accommodation, lunches,  excursion and social activities shall be covered by attendees. The registration fees will be 100.000 Colombian pesos (COL) for students (graduate, undergraduate or postdocs) and 200.000 COL for professors.

Tutorials fees.
The tutorials will be free for students and COL$50.000 for professors. Make sure you select this option in the registration form.



  School   Tutorial  
  Before 2 Dec. on-site Before 2 Dec. on-site
Students $100.000 $120.000 Free Free
Professors and others $200.000 $220.000 $50.000 $50.000

Please pay in the following link the corresponding amount [LINK]. Please keep a pdf copy of the transaction to be uploaded in the registration form.