28 August 2017 to 1 September 2017
Universidad de los Andes - Universidad Nacional de Colombia
America/Bogota timezone
3rd Workshop on Statistical Physics

The Workshop on Statistical Physics is the third issue of a series organized by Universidad Nacional de Colombia and Universidad de los Andes. The aim of the workshop is to present to the academic community - through mini-courses - topics and research methods developed in the last 25 years that have had a strong impact in the area and that can be included in advanced graduate courses; and, to provide - through invited conferences, oral contributions and posters - a space for the local community in statistical mechanics to share their most recent research results, and give the opportunity to establish scientific exchanges and collaborations. In this way, the workshop aims to contribute to the development of Statistical Physics in Colombia.
The event is addressed to professors and researchers in the areas of statistical physics as well as graduate and undergraduate students in physics with basic knowledge in statistical mechanics.
The event combines three days of short courses (Monday to Wednesday) with two days of invited conferences and presentations of oral contributions and posters (Thursday-Friday).

Universidad de los Andes - Universidad Nacional de Colombia