2-6 octubre 2023
Universidad de los Andes / Universidad Nacional de Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Work and heat in weakly measured quantum systems: The way you measure matters.

6 oct. 2023 14:40
A1 - edificio 564 (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

A1 - edificio 564

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Invited talk Statistical Physics Invited Talks


Prof. Carlos Viviescas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)


In quantum thermodynamics, fluctuation theorems provide a way for the quantification of irreversibility of single trajectories. In this work we propose a description of the dynamics of single trajectories based on an M-parametrization of unravellings of the master equation for a system coupled to its environment. We identify the measurable components of the entropy, and show ways to measure and control the system in such a way that the quantum components of the entropy can be corrected or minimized.

Autor primario

Prof. Carlos Viviescas (Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

Materiales de la presentación

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