2-6 octubre 2023
Universidad de los Andes / Universidad Nacional de Colombia
America/Bogota timezone

Recent Advances in Percolation Theory

2 oct. 2023 10:30
1h 30m
SD-805 (Universidad de los Andes)


Universidad de los Andes

Universidad de los Andes Santo Domingo building SD-805 Calle 21 # 1- 20 Bogotá
Tutorial courses Statistical Physics Tutorial courses


Prof. Hans Herrmann (PMMH, ESPCI Paris, France and UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil)


In the course we will first introduce the basic concepts of percolation, its scaling laws and its fractal subsets like the backbone, the elastic backbone, the shortest path with its perturbations and the distribution of currents. We will also present rigidity percolation, bootstrap percolation and drilling percolation. Particular emphasis will be given to discontinuous percolation like explosive and bridge percolation as well as abrupt epidemic spreading. Next, we will consider correlated surfaces with Hurst exponents to study the fractality of its coastlines, its watersheds and its retention capacity. We will investigate the Schramm-Loewner Evolution of various loop-less curves on top of these surfaces. We will dedicate the end of the course to failure models, like the fuse model, metallic breakdown and the optimal path crack.

Autor primario

Prof. Hans Herrmann (PMMH, ESPCI Paris, France and UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil)

Materiales de la presentación