- Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
- Basic postulates
- The canonical ensemble, and the concept of a thermostat
- Why does it work?
- The Langevin Equation
- What is the question?
- The Feynman-Vernon-Caldeira-Leggett-Ford-Kac-Mazur approach
- The large damping limit
- Stochastic calculus
- Mathematical trouble ahead
- Discretizing a Langevin equation
- Why bother, in physics, about multiplicative noise?
- Path integral representation of a Langevin process
- The Fokker-Planck Equation
- From Langevin to Fokker-Planck
- Equilibrium and time-reversibility
- Thermal Ratchets and Stochastic Motors
- Motivations
- Fluctuating force
- Molecular motors
- An introduction
- Model and dynamics
- Collective behaviors of molecular motors
- Active Particles
- Models of a single active particle
- Simple results on individual particles
- A run-and-tumble particle in a potential
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